This is a story about a girl and a shirt.... Once upon a time (July 2012), a young princess (technology princess?) went outside the comforts of her castle (home) and set out for an adventure in a far way land (California). During this adventure (ISTE Conference), in the far way land, she met many merchants (vendors) giving samples of their wares (free stuff). Not accustomed to such giving, she accepted excitedly. She gathered blouses (t-shirts), musical instruments (noisy squeaker things), quills (pencils/pens) and even a rare animal (frog toy). Oh, how she relished her new found treasures (piled them on her suitcase). Then at the end of a very long day of lessons (conference sessions), a few of her new acquaintances ask for the gift of her presence at (everyone decided to go to) the beach. Oh, how the princess had longed for seeing this beach! For you see, there are not any beaches near the castle (Kansas). A quick carriage ride (8 block walk or more) back to the...