March 16th - 17th 2017 Detroit, MI #macul17 Michigan's Association for Computer Users in Learning (MACUL) Cobo Center This is the first of what I hope will be yearly "checking out new conferences" adventures. For many years, ISTE has been THE destination, and rightly so -- it is a huge, national conference. However, this year I wanted to try something new (and cheaper). MACUL (an ISTE affiliate), bragged it is one of the Midwest’s largest educational technology conferences with 5000+ educators from across Michigan, the region, and Canada. What I didn't realize is just how close to Canada we were.... Looking out from the Cobo Conference Center - there's Canada! Funny story - I didn't realize it, until I was speaking to some locals, that I was looking at Canada. They were surprised that a person from KS was at the conference...I mentioned that I thought it had a international pull...to which they said, Canada is right over there. And that ...