EdCamp & The Introvert
--Last post I mentioned both EdCamp and my introverted personality. I'd like to talk a little more about the combination of those (EdCamp & introvert).-- Last Thursday was EdCampKS day. I have really grown to love EdCamp. I love the price (free), choice, converstations, prizes, connections, and more. With it being local, there is also the opportunity to connect with educator friends and make some new as well (but for someone who has travel alone for several years to conferences, having familiar faces and traveling with friends is a big plus). The challenge for me at EdCamp has been participation. Remember...I'm the quiet one in the back. But to fully embrace, enjoy, and experience EdCamp - I needed to participate in the conversations AND (personally, I needed to) push myself further to lead. Lead? But EdCamp is about converstations....I'm more about presentations. I like to know my facts, have my ducks in a row (points of presentation)...basically know all that ...