
Showing posts from January, 2011

Tech Time

Oh, how I would like to have more tech time! I am on the computer a lot, I text, and use other technology...that is not what I mean. Many times I am using technology as a part of "everyday life". My job(s) require me to utilize the computer. If I want to talk to my family, I have to use my phone. If we want to capture that special moment in a picture...we have to use the camera. I want time to sit and learn new technology. Time to catch up on my resources... I realized the other day that through my social bookmarking (use of Diigo ) I have accumulated 1063 web resources! I did not realize that I had gone over the 1000 mark. The problem is that I am not sure that these resources are as detailed and organized as I would like them to be. Once I had the thought that I could take one a day and really dig into what the site is about. Then I realized exactly how long that would take me to do it! So the enthusiasm wore off a little. Yet still a good goal and just something I need...

Adventures with Shwup and Animoto

I am a huge fan of Animoto . Anyone that offers educators a pro account for free is tops in my book! Here are some of the features that I really like: background choice, adding text, adding video and pictures, and choices for music. Recently, I took note of another site that boasted that it was similar to Animoto. This site is shwup . It is also a free service and free to anyone. It is very similar however, it lacks in several areas. Shwup is missing in variety for background and music. I did like that the choice of background also changed the type of transitions it made. It does not have any info about different account levels. There is small print that "a dding more than 25 photos/video will create a premium muvee".  It does not include that the premium will cost you money. However, once you have made the video and click finish you are faced with a decision to have the free with 25 or less pictures or the HD option with more photos for $5 (4.95 really, but clo...