
Showing posts from January, 2012

New Site Test

This is a follow-up from my last post and what I have been putting together as a resource to serve as an evaluation for Web 2.0 tools. My hope is that the resource would be valuable to all teacher/educators that use internet tools (web 2.0). So check it out and see what you think..... I'm Technically Speaking  ....the website :)


I have had on my mind that I would like to find out what there is for evaluating technology. Websites I know that there are good evaluations tools for websites. One of my favorites to use with my college students is the C.R.A.P. test. The acronym is fun and gets there attention. It is also fun to see how they turn it in to me! I have had some say "here is your crap" :)....that is the one and only time that I allow this type of talk :) But it also covers the basics of evaluating websites: Currency, Reliability, Authority, Purpose/Point of View. One example is linked here . Kathy Schrock has her "Guide to Everything"  and included in some of her resources you can find lots of different evaluation tools. See here . iPad Apps I have also begun to see some efforts for evaluating iPad Apps. Here is a great time that enlists the help of other educators in reviewing apps. Also again our friend Kathy has a great resource that even organizes them with Blooms Taxonomy....

Online Learning

I just recently discovered the EVO Online Courses. There is a variety of courses that are being offered this January to February. The session that I am participating in is Digital Storytelling for Young Learners. There is a wealth of tools & resources that they are using for learning. First there is a Yahoo Group. Second is a group wiki, they are using pbworks for this (linked here ). Then there is a LiveBinder  with information. There is also a Posterous group (see here ). However the number of resources/tools is not the icing on the is the wide variety of countries that are represented (yes countries, not cities or states)! Check out this map  and where the participants are from. Sometimes I am so busy with my town, my state, and sometimes surrounding states....I forget the global connections that we can have. I love the idea of connecting and learning alongside others from all over! This is online learning!

Taking feedback

I have never been very good at taking criticism (aka feedback). I am really hard on myself as it is. So, I really take to heart the feedback that I get and sometimes the lack of feedback. It is just how I am built. So, today when I had my presentation, for Thursday, returned with a number of "suggestions" I had to take some time to process it. It was good feedback, in that it was correct and needed. But somehow it was like a blow (yes to my ego). Here were some of my thoughts: I was so proud of my creation, I was the "expert", I am a professional, I should know better, Oh, ya that is a good point, and so on. In those first moments, when fight or flight kicks in, I just wanted to quit. Honestly, I had thoughts of not presenting. I started to think about how much work it would be to correct and that there might not be time to make the corrections. I could call and say that with the added work and my troubling sinus infection would result in me not being able to ...

New Year's Realization

I was struck today with a New Year's realization...not resolution :) We are at the end of Christmas break and all that that means. Oh, you know with kids! We are at the point that we are almost wanting our routines. The kids are not liking each other or being around each other quite as much. The newness of the new toys is starting to wear off (seems quicker every year). And we just do not know what to do! Being the techie person that I am, I do allow them to play with their tech toys. Which this year each received new DS games. There is also time to computer and their favorite Webkinz website (that we had to purchase a new toy so that we could continue to use the site). Of course, also on the list is the beloved TV and all of the 15 or so channels. But, I just cannot allow them to do this as much as they want or maybe I want even. Because there is a little dirty secret attached to letting them play with their techie frees me. Have you ever noticed just how busy, ...