I have never been very good at taking criticism (aka feedback). I am really hard on myself as it is. So, I really take to heart the feedback that I get and sometimes the lack of feedback. It is just how I am built. So, today when I had my presentation, for Thursday, returned with a number of "suggestions" I had to take some time to process it. It was good feedback, in that it was correct and needed. But somehow it was like a blow (yes to my ego). Here were some of my thoughts: I was so proud of my creation, I was the "expert", I am a professional, I should know better, Oh, ya that is a good point, and so on. In those first moments, when fight or flight kicks in, I just wanted to quit. Honestly, I had thoughts of not presenting. I started to think about how much work it would be to correct and that there might not be time to make the corrections. I could call and say that with the added work and my troubling sinus infection would result in me not being able to ...