Taking feedback

I have never been very good at taking criticism (aka feedback). I am really hard on myself as it is. So, I really take to heart the feedback that I get and sometimes the lack of feedback. It is just how I am built.

So, today when I had my presentation, for Thursday, returned with a number of "suggestions" I had to take some time to process it.

It was good feedback, in that it was correct and needed. But somehow it was like a blow (yes to my ego). Here were some of my thoughts: I was so proud of my creation, I was the "expert", I am a professional, I should know better, Oh, ya that is a good point, and so on.

In those first moments, when fight or flight kicks in, I just wanted to quit. Honestly, I had thoughts of not presenting. I started to think about how much work it would be to correct and that there might not be time to make the corrections. I could call and say that with the added work and my troubling sinus infection would result in me not being able to present.

However, I am build to follow through with my commitments. I have committed to them and people are planning on attending my webinar. And really, it didn't take me all that long to make some adjustments to it. Dare I say that it is even better?! Yes, it is!

So, what is it about taking feedback? Why do I want to run and hide? Seriously if I had had a panic room...I just might have used it :) or a free flight to nowhere town.

I know that we learn from trying. We learn from failing. We learn in creating, sharing, and getting feedback. Not only learn, but grow. And growing sometimes "hurts" (growing pains).

In the end, I understood the feedback. I gained from it, grew from it, and am better for it.

It is probably a good reminder for us educators, about how our students may receive (and perceive) our feedback. When our prize presentation is somehow lacking in someone else's eyes (even if they are seeing what would make it even greater).


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