Bag the Web

I recently found this new site (through my RSS feeds), Bag the Web.
Its appeal is that you can organize web resources according to a topic. The site says, "BagTheWeb helps users curate Web content. For any topic, you can create a "bag" to collect, publish, and share any content from the Web.
Beyond most curation tools' capability, BagTheWeb enables users to build networks of bags. This way bags can be linked together to provide rich and complete information about any topic." And if that isn't enough for you, it is also free.
That was enough to draw me in! So let's see what this site can do....
Once I signed up and confirmed my email, I was in. I noticed a message from the site (see #1): "Using a bag, you can collect the best web content for a topic you are interested in. More than pure collection, this bag is also your creation. You may share it with friends and the whole web community. The site has many features helping you use bags better. For example, you can publish a bag as your blog by adding posts in it; or, you may create private bags for your personal viewing. Of course, you may create more smart ways of utilizing bags."

Well, I think that is all the information that I can handle at this point :) I need some action! So let's get creating (see #2).

I decided to create a bag titled "social media". I added about three links, published it and selected "embed". Here is what that the bag looks like:


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