Building the Wheel

So far I am really enjoying Richard Byrne's new blog Worms in the Fridge. As I stated in my last post, I have been inspired to use my blog and own the title. His post Spokes Without a Hub Are Just Random Sticks was the first and inspirational post that I read. Looking more deeply at his blog, I noticed a couple additional posts that I would like to mention as I begin to "build my wheel".

Creating an Online Hub About You
This post is a good starting point if you are just starting with blogging. Richard discusses choosing the right blogging platform. I have been using Blogger and want to continue to at this point (plus it's free). So my online hub is right here!

A Goal Without a Plan is Just a Dream
"Create a big goal and many smaller won't reach your goal without a plan...get something on paper and look at it daily." Challenge accepted. Using Richard's example as a start to my goal setting, this is my goal:

Goal: Reach 100 subscribers by the end of 2014
  • Publish an average of 20 posts a month
  • Share publishing of postings on Facebook and Twitter 
  • Create a Facebook page to support blog
Looks like I have the pieces for the wheel! Let's start building!!
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