Building A Personal Brand Part 2
Chapter 2: How to Define Your Target Audience
I would say that my primary audience for this blog would be teachers, but anyone who wants to know about using technology could benefit.
Establishing a crystal-clear empathy with the audience.....
I have been involved in education really for my whole life. Growing up I remember playing school. I even had a chalkboard and stuffed animal students! I didn't enter my college years seeking teacher training, however. It was my second year of college that I made the change to elementary education. I entered the teaching world straight out of college (graduated in December and started teaching in January). I didn't use much technology in those years as a 2nd grade teacher (except for grading and emailing). In the next couple years as a 6th grade teacher, I used the computer lab for student research projects. Of course all of that was before 2001! I left the teaching in May 2001, after two years under a rather difficult principal. During my time away from full-time teaching, I experienced substitute teaching and study hall supervision; then in 2002 I experienced the birth of my first born. Having been out long enough by 2003, I began to question if I would return as a classroom teacher and pursued a masters degree for other opportunities. As I completed my degree in 2005, I knew that I wanted to work either with preservice teachers or teachers with technology training (I had completed an Educational Technology Certification as well).
In the fall of 2009, my degree (and personal connection) enabled me to begin my college teaching experience in the Education Department at Central Christian College as an adjunct. I began that semester with one two hour class and the following spring I was offered two-three hour classes. The following year I continued to add and eventually added enough that I was considered a part-time instructor before leaving this last May. During my time at the college I was challenged to present at different conferences and found that I enjoyed sharing at these events.
The best experience for me professionally has been the last couple years "in the trenches" at Elyria Christian School. I have said often that it has made me "practice what I preach" (putting into practice in a school setting what I was telling my college students they should do). It also has challenged me to meet the individual needs of teachers with technology. Presenting at a conference on a specific topic was one thing, working one-on-one was another. Also the vast and different needs that are encountered in the classroom setting was eye opening! Often I have been humbled due to not knowing the solution to a situation...and accepting that it is okay. The teacher's do not need a "know it all", but a coach/resource.
That is what I want to be to anyone who needs my assistance....a coach and resource. Just as any good coach, if I don't know how to win the game/answer the question I will look into the solution. Let's huddle up and get the game winning plan!
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