Osmo is "Awesomo"

"Osmo is Awesomo" - Ema age 8.

A year ago at ISTE, is when I first saw this device in action. At that time each of the "games" were being sold separately and I was not excited about that. I was again face to face with this device at a conference this year. However, they now sell the device, tangram pieces, and letter set all together in a starter kit. Add to that a buy one and get one to donate to the school of your choice and I was sold!

I love having devices that I can learn and train others with! This deal allowed me to have one personally and one for my kiddos school! If you are interested in purchasing, you can find out more here.

My almost 3rd grader (pause for a mom moment of her baby growing up).....loves the Tangrams. I'll have to admit I like it too. My almost 8th grader (double pause on that one), enjoyed (a little too much) the competition of Words. Both girls enjoyed Words, but to play together without me for these competitive girls (with age difference) did not work! Two more app/activities, Newton and Masterpiece I think will grow on us.

In the classroom, I really like that Words will allow for you to create your own pictures and words! I can see this being a unique and fun way to practice spelling words alone or with a friend. Tangrams would pair well (I have been watching a little too much Food TV) with math class or in a center activity.

I think we will see more from this company! I would expect more learning sets and apps to come from them. I love that it can work with regular and mini iPads. It will be interesting to see if they make it to work with iPhones or iPods at some point. Additionally, I am interested if they would aim to broaden their audience and create some apps for middle school and high school. I could see some science dissection being played out with this. It has lots of potential!


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