STEAM Maker Learning

Podstock PreCon

S -science
T -tinkering
E -engenering
A -aesthetics
M -mathamatics

The goal today...
Make/build something that you are proud of....And have a maker mindset

Modules included:
  • Fabrics and wearable
  • Music tech
  • Robotics
  • Coding
  • Electricity & circuitry
  • 3D model & printing
  • Wind energy
  • Rocketry & fluid dynamics
  • Textiles
Here are the things I made:

1. Steampunk shirt using bleach

2. Steampunk laptop "cover"

3. Hummingbird Robotics Project
*Thankful for my new friends working with me on this project! The picture on the right shows our program for the lights to come on.

4. I played with 3D printing software - Tynkercad and watched 3D printers in action.

5. I helped a friend create a potato bag and others understand what a potato bag is :)

Other learning--
I found that I chose the first projects based on comfort. Either someone I knew was involved or it was easy to join in.

I turned away from some projects due to lack of a "buddy". Thankful for those who pulled me in to the final group project of the Hummingbird. There were many that were best done with others (by design). 

I need to continue to push myself out of my shyness and comfort zone. Attending alone doesn't mean that I have to be alone. Just because someone doesn't invite you into their "group", doesn't mean that you can't invite yourself (ask if you could join). 


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