When Technology Doesn't Work!

An ISTE 2016 presentation - When Technology Doesn't Work!

You have spent hours preparing to use technology, you have 20 some students eagerly waiting and the technology "fails" you! Don't panic!! Before you go with the backup plan or call for help, there are some basic troubleshooting steps that might solve your issue.

Monday, June 27, 8:00–10:00 am
CCC Lobby D, Table 30

See how to C.L.E.A.R. out some of that technology trouble yourself:

Participants will gain confidence in using classroom technology through having troubleshooting strategies to implement. The acronym of CLEAR will remind participants of quick troubleshooting strategies. Fun online scenarios will reinforce troubleshooting strategies. A LiveBinders resource will provide an extra resources for participants.


  1. Good luck with your presentation! It's CLEAR that you know what to do.


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