ISTE 2016 Day 4
Last day! Day 4 - June 29th Although, I had signed up for a BYOD, I headed in another direction for my first session. There are times that multiple sessions sound good and it is really hard to decide which to attend. I opted for a session with several "big names" like Sylvia Duckworth, Kathy Schrock, Vicki Davis to name a few on Sketchnoing. In fact the title was, "Sketchnoting with Superstars". I took notes for this session with photos. Honestly, by the time day 4 rolls around the brain is full and the body is tired. However, this was a really good session that covered the basics and some great tips/tricks. Here's the run down: Sketchnote of the sketchnote session The last session was a short "snapshot" (30 minutes) on Teaching Passion Projects One more trek to the EXPO... A signed book from Alice Keeler, 50 Things You Can Do With Google Classroom , a couple super hero capes from Microsoft, and...