12 in 30

12 of 30 days of blogging

Can you tell that I am ignoring the Burned-in book? Yes, schedule adjustments for dental appointments and other factors haven't helped. But....

The next chapter is Determine Your Long Term Goals.
That's kind of big.
And a HUGE question mark in my life right now.
AND probably why I really should dig into the chapter, yet don't want to at the same time.

Where do I want to see myself in 3, 5, and 10 years?
Make a plan to get there?....

As I read through the chapter, it all sounds familiar, and then I remember that I recently listened to a Burned-In Podcast that followed this chapter.
And I've actually completed most of these steps...
Step 1: Big Dreams Braindump - What do you want for yourself? Dream BIG!
Step 2: What has gone well in the last year/2 years?
Step 3: What DIDN’T go well?
Step 4: What will you say, “YES!” to?
Step 5: What will you say, “Heck, NO.” to this year?
Step 6: What are your Professional Goals this year? 3 years? 5 years?
Step 7: What are your Personal Goals this year? 3 years? 5 years?
After that a word for the year. Which I'd already predetermined would be "Believe".

Then the challenge is to make a visual...a vision/mission board.
Now this is a work in progress (still).
I've never done this, but a dear friend does and had recently suggested it.
I drew one out one day and am working on a "pretty" version.

Lastly, the question is "what will you adopt, change, or abandon?".
What are you going to adopt into your life?
What changes are you going to make today? (the time is now)
What are you willing to let go of? (Be like Elsa and, "Let it go")

Change is hard...but also necessary. What change(s) do I need to make?
The first has been this blog and taking some time  to reflect.

What am I learning?
Facing that sometimes we can't change anything, but our (my) own attitude.
Choosing joy.
Being open about where we are (such as burned out) can not only help us, but others.
To breathe...to let go of things out of my control...to smile (even when it's hard).


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