16 in 30

Day 16 of 30 days of blogging.

The last few posts have been hard to get posted. So much seems to be going on right now.
Today I am sitting in a classroom in Hillsboro, awaiting my presentation time.

I love presenting about both of the things that I am about to share. But I'm finding myself so torn with wanting to be here.
My girls are off of school and home...I'd love to be home (still in jammies).
There is a teacher luncheon back home that they will be announcing the teacher of the year representatives for the district...and I'd like to be there as well to cheer on my friends and colleagues.
I've left my only colleague (18yo) as the only person...besides our company/director.

Can you hear it? I do.
A sense of feeling like I need to do all and be all.

I committed to this. But I'd be fibbing if I told you that I didn't think about a lot of excuses to get myself out of it.
Headache, other commitments,.....
And I really like what I'm about to share.

It honestly makes me wonder if presenting is what I should be doing.
But I know that the room will fill with those attending my session....
I will share what I love and it will be worth it all.

Stay tuned....
I'll share how it does turn out.

And it was a great morning. Full of fun sharing and doing what I love to do!


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