6 Months Home

I've been asking this a lot lately, but "Where has the time gone?"

Six months ago (plus a little) -- in October 2019, I was in NYC at the Google Innovator Academy. SIX MONTHS ago. 

Now I could talk about how different the world is now, but for the focus of today's blog I'll keep the focus on the academy itself.

The academy. I honestly can't keep from smiling when I mention it. Wearing my shirts associated with the academy make me feel connected, stronger, and able to do more. My team and cohort are an amazing source of resources, innovation, strength, and smiles.

Part of the academy and Google Innovator process is the innovator project. You can visit the past reflections in this blog to give you more of a background.

However, here we are at the six month checkin for our Innovator journeys!
And actually, this was slotted to have been last month. However, do to COVID-19 we have been given some extensions.

So the 6/7 month checkin was completed last week on the 22nd of April.

Those who wanted were able to share about where their projects are and how much reach they have had with them. It was hard for me..
I had planned to have a working pilot ready for April 8th, but it had to be put on pause. It was still good to reconnect and celebrate with those that did share/attend.

After the shut down of school buildings this year, I've been left wondering what that would mean for my project. Could I pilot before next fall and if so, how far would that put me behind in my plans. However, recently there have been some questions about sharing information and finding those with knowledge and skills within our district. It became the right time to mention my project again.

Now let me interject some additional and needed background for you....
In February, I attended METC Conference in Missouri. I have several connections with those attending. One just happened to be Amanda Moody a fellow #NYC19 Innovator. As Amanda and I were catching up and comparing projects, I mentioned the main issue of a database with my project. She said that she had someone I should meet...that was at the conference as well. Amanda connected me with Adam Geisen (be sure to check out his work www.tamingthetech.com).

Now back to April. Adam has...through potentially the busiest time...continued his promise to help me bring my project to life. He has created an amazing platform for me to pilot. Here are a couple preview pictures of it....
I am so excited! I can't put into words what it is like to see a idea come to life in this way!!

So the demo and trial are on! I've requested a few try it out and make suggestions. And I can't wait to see where it goes from there. You win -- I win and we make learning less isolated!


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