This little rocket ship may not seem like much. If it caught your attention, you might look at it and wonder about it. Why does it have a circle on the right upper side? Is that an open window? Why are the letters "L" and "M" on it? What if I were to tell you that only graduates receive them? That the letters stand for "Launch Me". And that circle on the side, is so that it can be worn with pride. But no, it has nothing to do with NASA! However, everything to do with a launch. Intrigued? So was I! Here is where it all started: Was I ready to take my skills to new places? As an instructor or presenter I know that I can keep refining and fine tuning my presentation skills. So, what would it hurt?! Sign me up.... So this last week I spent two days in Hutchinson at ESSDACK with two top notch presenters and forward thinkers. One is pictured above, Kevin Honeycutt . The other can be found with all things PBL, but also as co-collaborator wi...
Recognize that yellow-shirted girl? Somehow I ended up being the "star" of the Central Christian College Education Department advertisement. At the time the picture was taken, I was part-time. At the time of release, I was serving as an adjunct. At the time of this writing, I am announcing that I will be full-time! That yellow-shirted girl.... is now..... Education Instructor & K-12 Professional Development Coordinator for Central Christian College!
Here are some resources to "combine literacy and technology" (taken from my Combine Literacy and Technology presentation). 1. Big Huge Labs ( ) Take your pictures and create fun projects with them. When I shared this I featured the motivational poster. If you are like my husband you might like making a " demotivator ". Teachers could use this site to create a poster without the title or description and have the students come up with them! Or teachers could fill in the title and description and have the students find a fitting picture. These two options would provide a way to use the site without students being on the computer! 2. Superlame ( ) This is a very easy to use site that again uses your pictures. No logon required and free to use! Take a picture and add a speech or thought bubble to it. Here is one that I made: 3. Jing ( ) This is one of my top ten sites also! I LOVE ...
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