Confessions of a Technoconstructivist

Technoconstructivist--using technology to completely change approaches to teaching and learning in the classroom

I believe that I am in the "technoconstructivist" group or at least mostly in the group. I try to be "up" on technology resources and use them in my classroom. But I have a confession to make....

I have been a Twitter user in name only. Today I learned that I could be called a "lurker". Honestly, I have not been sold on Twitter. It was intimidating to me. There are certain ways to post with hashes and @ and RT, etc.

Following my presentation yesterday in which I posted my twitter handle, I added about 15 or so followers. Adding those followers made me feel responsible to be more productive with at least use it :)

I had become brave enough to connect my TLC (Teacher Learning Center) activity to my Twitter account, so that I was posting something. However, I felt the need to learn what it meant to be a Tweeter (even now I am not sure if that is the right term or not).

So today, I made use of my SimpleK12 unconference webinars and found Twitter 101 and Harness the Power of Twitter without Being Overwhelmed. From those webinars, I found a cool site HootSuite. This is a web version that would be similar to TweetDeck. I really like this view of Twitter happenings. I even had some conversations with others and made a couple tweets! Ha! I think that I could catch on to this thing after all.

I still have my hangups that I am sure will fade with time and use. I still am unsure of what I would call the etiquette of Twitter. However, maybe I worry to much. I don't think that I will be kicked off for trying! I do see it as a great way to connect with other educators around the world! It is a great way to increase my personal learning network! And it is fun to see who you can follow and who will decide to follow you (which is a good thing).

So, if you are on twitter look for educatememrsn I just might be twittering about.


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